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KNMI weerbericht PHP 8.1

Geplaatst: 23 jul 2023, 21:35
door Ronnie
Zoals eerder vermeld doet mijn weerbericht het weer na de upgrade.
Hieronder mijn script.
Ik vermoed dat de fout zit in de "strftime" functie.
Ik weet alleen niet hoe ik dit goed moet aanpassen.
Code: Selecteer alles

<style type="text/css">div.pre {
	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 14px;
    width: 600px;
.basisverwachting {
	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size: 14px;
.realtable  {
      background-color: #EEEEEE;
      font-size: 13px; 
      width: 451px;
      border-collapse: collapse;
      border-bottom: solid 1px #E2E2E2;
      margin-top: 11px;
      margin-bottom: 11px;
.realtable th {
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        padding: 3px 0px 3px 4px;
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        padding: 3px 0px 3px 4px;
.rubriekkop {
	    font-weight: bold;
        font-size: 18px;
.hoofdkop {
	    font-size: 15px;
	    font-weight: bold;
	    color: #000;
.alineakop {
	    font-weight: bold;
	    font-size: 15px;
	    color: #000;
.datumtijd {
    	font-size: 8px;
	    font-style: italic;
	    color: #000000;
div.weer {
        position: relative;
        margin:0 auto;
        line-height: 1.4em;
	    font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	    font-size: 12px;
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	    padding-left: 25px;       
@media only screen and (max-width: 479px){
    #div.weer { width: 90%; }
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    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.trcolor {
	color: #000;
<div class="weer">
<div class="hoofdkop">Verwachting KNMI <?php
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'nl_NL.ISO_8859-1');

if (file_exists(''))
	$xmlx = simplexml_load_file('');
    $weer = $xmlx->xpath("//field_content");
    $tijd = $xmlx->xpath("//report_dtg_issued");
    $d1 = $xmlx->xpath("//valid_start");
else {echo "Geen weerbericht ontvangen";
?><span class="alineakop"><? echo strftime("%A %e", strtotime($d1[0])); ?><?php
echo '&nbsp;'; ?>tot en met <? echo strftime("%A %e %B %Y", strtotime($d1[0]) + 518400); ?></span></div>
<br />
<span class="hoofdkop"><? echo "Vandaag en morgen: "; ?></span><br />
<span class="subkop"><? echo $weer[0]; ?></span><br /><br />

<div><span class="basisverwachting"><? echo preg_replace(array('/[^(\x20-\x7F)]+[^(\x20-\x7F)]|[^(\x20-\x7F)]/','/\. /'),array('<br />','.'),$weer[2]); ?></span></div>
<br />
<span class="datumtijd">Opgemaakt <? echo strftime("%A %e %B %Y %H:%M", strtotime($tijd[0]))," uur"; ?></span><br />
<br />
<!--<div class="hoofdkop">Verwachting komende 5 dagen</div>--><?
if (file_exists(''))
	$xmly = simplexml_load_file('');
 else {echo "Geen bericht ontvangen";};
?><span class="alineakop">Vooruitzichten op (middel)lange termijn </span><br />
<div class="pre"><? $kop = $xmly->xpath("//verwachting_meerdaagse"); echo str_replace(". ",".<br>",$kop[0]); ?></div>

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="realtable" width="451">
		<tr class="trcolor">
			<th align="left" width="40"><? $d0 = $xmly->xpath("//dag1_ddd"); echo $d0[0]; ?></th>
			<th align="left" width="40"><? $d1 = $xmly->xpath("//dag2_ddd"); echo $d1[0]; ?></th>
			<th align="left" width="40"><? $d2 = $xmly->xpath("//dag3_ddd"); echo $d2[0]; ?></th>
			<th align="left" width="40"><? $d3 = $xmly->xpath("//dag4_ddd"); echo $d3[0]; ?></th>
			<th align="left" width="40"><? $d4 = $xmly->xpath("//dag5_ddd"); echo $d4[0]; ?></th>
			<th align="left" width="40"><? $d5 = $xmly->xpath("//dag6_ddd"); echo $d5[0]; ?></th>
		<tr class="trcolor">
			<td style="text-align: left">Zonneschijn (%)</td>
			<td><? $z0 = $xmly->xpath("//zonneschijnkans_dag1"); echo $z0[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $z1 = $xmly->xpath("//zonneschijnkans_dag2"); echo $z1[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $z2 = $xmly->xpath("//zonneschijnkans_dag3"); echo $z2[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $z3 = $xmly->xpath("//zonneschijnkans_dag4"); echo $z3[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $z4 = $xmly->xpath("//zonneschijnkans_dag5"); echo $z4[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $z5 = $xmly->xpath("//zonneschijnkans_dag6"); echo $z5[0]; ?></td>
		<tr class="trcolor">
			<td style="text-align: left">Neerslagkans (%)</td>
			<td><? $n0 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslagkans_dag1"); echo $n0[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $n1 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslagkans_dag2"); echo $n1[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $n2 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslagkans_dag3"); echo $n2[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $n3 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslagkans_dag4"); echo $n3[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $n4 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslagkans_dag5"); echo $n4[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $n5 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslagkans_dag6"); echo $n5[0]; ?></td>
		<tr class="trcolor">
			<td style="text-align: left">Neerslaghoeveelheid (mm)</td>
	$nh0 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_dag1"); if (empty($nh0)) {echo "";} else {echo $nh0[0];};
	$nh5 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_min_dag1"); echo $nh5[0];
	$nh10 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_max_dag1");
	if (empty($nh0)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $nh10[0];
	$nh1 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_dag2"); if (empty($nh1)) {echo "";} else {echo $nh1[0];};
	$nh6 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_min_dag2"); echo $nh6[0];
	$nh11 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_max_dag2");
	if (empty($nh1)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $nh11[0];
	$nh2 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_dag3"); if (empty($nh2)) {echo "";} else {echo $nh2[0];};
	$nh7 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_min_dag3"); echo $nh7[0];
	$nh12 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_max_dag3");
	if (empty($nh2)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $nh12[0];
	$nh3 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_dag4");if (empty($nh3)) {echo "";} else {echo $nh3[0];};
	$nh8 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_min_dag4"); echo $nh8[0];
	$nh13 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_max_dag4");
	if (empty($nh3)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $nh13[0];
	$nh4 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_dag5"); if (empty($nh4)) {echo "";} else {echo $nh4[0];};
	$nh9 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_min_dag5"); echo $nh9[0];
	$nh14 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_max_dag5");
	if (empty($nh4)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $nh14[0];
	$nh5 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_dag6"); if (empty($nh5)) {echo "";} else {echo $nh5[0];};
	$nh10 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_min_dag6"); echo $nh10[0];
	$nh15 = $xmly->xpath("//neerslaghoeveelheid_max_dag6");
	if (empty($nh5)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $nh15[0];
		<tr class="trcolor">
			<td style="text-align: left">Minimumtemperatuur (&deg;C)</td>
	$t0 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_dag1"); if (empty($t0)) {echo "";} else {echo $t0[0];};
	$t5 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_min_dag1"); echo $t5[0];
	$t10 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_max_dag1");
	if (empty($t0)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $t10[0];
	$t1 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_dag2"); if (empty($t1)) {echo "";} else {echo $t1[0];};
	$t6 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_min_dag2"); echo $t6[0];
	$t11 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_max_dag2");
	if (empty($t1)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $t11[0];
	$t2 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_dag3"); if (empty($t2)) {echo "";} else {echo $t2[0];};
	$t7 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_min_dag3"); echo $t7[0];
	$t12 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_max_dag3");
	if (empty($t2)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $t12[0];
	$t3 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_dag4"); if (empty($t3)) {echo "";} else {echo $t3[0];};
	$t8 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_min_dag4"); echo $t8[0];
	$t13 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_max_dag4");
	if (empty($t3)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $t13[0];
	$t4 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_dag5"); if (empty($t4)) {echo "";} else {echo $t4[0];};
	$t9 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_min_dag5"); echo $t9[0];
	$t14 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_max_dag5");
	if (empty($t4)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $t14[0];
	$t5 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_dag6"); if (empty($t5)) {echo "";} else {echo $t5[0];};
	$t10 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_min_dag6"); echo $t10[0];
	$t15 = $xmly->xpath("//minimumtemperatuur_max_dag6");
	if (empty($t5)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $t15[0];
		<tr class="trcolor">
			<td style="text-align: left">Middagtemperatuur (&deg;C)</td>
	$m0 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_dag1"); if (empty($m0)) {echo "";} else {echo $m0[0];};
	$m5 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_min_dag1"); echo $m5[0];
	$m10 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_max_dag1");
	if (empty($m0)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $m10[0];
	$m1 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_dag2"); if (empty($m1)) {echo "";} else {echo $m1[0];};
	$m6 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_min_dag2"); echo $m6[0];
	$m11 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_max_dag2");
	if (empty($m1)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $m11[0];
	$m2 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_dag3"); if (empty($m2)) {echo "";} else {echo $m2[0];};
	$m7 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_min_dag3"); echo $m7[0];
	$m12 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_max_dag3");
	if (empty($m2)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $m12[0];
	$m3 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_dag4"); if (empty($m3)) {echo "";} else {echo $m3[0];};
	$m8 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_min_dag4"); echo $m8[0];
	$m13 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_max_dag4");
	if (empty($m3)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $m13[0];
	$m4 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_dag5"); if (empty($m4)) {echo "";} else {echo $m4[0];};
	$m9 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_min_dag5"); echo $m9[0];
	$m14 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_max_dag5");
	if (empty($m4)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $m14[0];
	$m5 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_dag6"); if (empty($m5)) {echo "";} else {echo $m5[0];};
	$m10 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_min_dag6"); echo $m10[0];
	$m15 = $xmly->xpath("//maximumtemperatuur_max_dag6");
	if (empty($m5)) {echo "/";} else {echo " ";};
	echo $m15[0];
		<tr class="trcolor">
			<td style="text-align: left">Windrichting</td>
			<td><? $wr0 = $xmly->xpath("//windrichting_dag1"); echo $wr0[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $wr1 = $xmly->xpath("//windrichting_dag2"); echo $wr1[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $wr2 = $xmly->xpath("//windrichting_dag3"); echo $wr2[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $wr3 = $xmly->xpath("//windrichting_dag4"); echo $wr3[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $wr4 = $xmly->xpath("//windrichting_dag5"); echo $wr4[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $wr5 = $xmly->xpath("//windrichting_dag6"); echo $wr5[0]; ?></td>
		<tr class="trcolor">
			<td style="text-align: left">Windkracht (bft)</td>
			<td><? $wk0 = $xmly->xpath("//windkracht_dag1"); echo $wk0[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $wk1 = $xmly->xpath("//windkracht_dag2"); echo $wk1[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $wk2 = $xmly->xpath("//windkracht_dag3"); echo $wk2[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $wk3 = $xmly->xpath("//windkracht_dag4"); echo $wk3[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $wk4 = $xmly->xpath("//windkracht_dag5"); echo $wk4[0]; ?></td>
			<td><? $wk5 = $xmly->xpath("//windkracht_dag6"); echo $wk5[0]; ?></td>
<span class="datumtijd">Opgemaakt <? echo strftime("%A %e %B %Y %H:%M", strtotime($tijd[0]))," uur"; ?></span><br />
<br />
<span class="alineakop">Vooruitzichten op lange termijn</span> <!--<div class="hoofdkop">Verwachting 6 tot 9 dagen vooruit</div>--><span class="alineakop"><? $d25 = $xmly->xpath("//dag7_dd");
          $d26 = $xmly->xpath("//dag7_mm");
          $d27 = $xmly->xpath("//dag7_yy");
          $d27 = strftime("%A %e %B %Y", mktime(0, 0, 0,(int)$d26[0],(int)$d25[0],(int)$d27[0])+604800); ?><? $d10 = $xmly->xpath("//dag7_dddd_dd_mmmm"); echo $d10[0]; ?><?php
echo '&nbsp;'; ?>tot en met <? echo $d27; ?></span><br />
<div class="pre"><? $d30 = $xmly->xpath("//verwachting_lange_termijn_tekst"); echo str_replace('. ','.<br>',$d30[0]); ?></div>

<div class="hoofdkop">Langjarige gemiddelden, tijdvak 1971-2000</div>

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="realtable" width="451">
		<tr class="trcolor">
			<th width="151">&nbsp;</th>
			<th colspan="3" width="150">
			<center><? echo strftime("%B"); ?></center>
			<th colspan="3" width="150">
			<center><? echo strftime("%B",strtotime("+1 month")); ?></center>
		<tr class="trcolor">
			<td style="text-align: left">Periode</td>
			<td width="50">1-10</td>
			<td width="50">11-20</td>
			<td width="50">21-eind</td>
			<td width="50">1-10</td>
			<td width="50">11-20</td>
			<td width="50">21-eind</td>
		<tr class="trcolor">
			<td style="text-align: left">Maximumtemperatuur</td>
			<td width="50"><? $m1decl1tx = $xmly->xpath("//norm_m1_dec1_tx"); echo $m1decl1tx[0]; ?></td>
			<td width="50"><? $m1decl2tx = $xmly->xpath("//norm_m1_dec2_tx"); echo $m1decl2tx[0]; ?></td>
			<td width="50"><? $m1decl3tx = $xmly->xpath("//norm_m1_dec3_tx"); echo $m1decl3tx[0]; ?></td>
			<td width="50"><? $m2decl1tx = $xmly->xpath("//norm_m2_dec1_tx"); echo $m2decl1tx[0]; ?></td>
			<td width="50"><? $m2decl2tx = $xmly->xpath("//norm_m2_dec2_tx"); echo $m2decl2tx[0]; ?></td>
			<td width="50"><? $m2decl3tx = $xmly->xpath("//norm_m2_dec3_tx"); echo $m2decl3tx[0]; ?></td>
		<tr class="trcolor">
			<td style="text-align: left">Minimumtemperatuur</td>
			<td width="50"><? $m1decl1tn = $xmly->xpath("//norm_m1_dec1_tn"); echo $m1decl1tn[0]; ?></td>
			<td width="50"><? $m1decl2tn = $xmly->xpath("//norm_m1_dec2_tn"); echo $m1decl2tn[0]; ?></td>
			<td width="50"><? $m1decl3tn = $xmly->xpath("//norm_m1_dec3_tn"); echo $m1decl3tn[0]; ?></td>
			<td width="50"><? $m2decl1tn = $xmly->xpath("//norm_m2_dec1_tn"); echo $m2decl1tn[0]; ?></td>
			<td width="50"><? $m2decl2tn = $xmly->xpath("//norm_m2_dec2_tn"); echo $m2decl2tn[0]; ?></td>
			<td width="50"><? $m2decl3tn = $xmly->xpath("//norm_m2_dec3_tn"); echo $m2decl3tn[0]; ?></td>
<span class="datumtijd">Opgemaakt <?
$datum = $xmly->xpath("//dag0_dddd_dd_mmmm_yyyy"); echo $datum[0];
$tijd = $xmly->xpath("//tijd_aanmaak"); echo " ".$tijd[0]." uur";

echo "<br><br><font size='1' color='#000080'>Bron <a title='' href=''>KNMI</a></font><br>";

Re: KNMI weerbericht PHP 8.1

Geplaatst: 23 jul 2023, 23:11
door Toulon7559
Dat zou kunnen kloppen na de genoemde upgrade van door jou gebruikte PHP naar versie 8.1,
want op de staat dit bericht m.b.t. strftime met waarschuwing 'DEPRECATED as of PHP 8.1.0'

Direct onder de waarschuwingstekst staan 2 alternatieve functies,
en helemaal onderaan het bericht staat een verwijzing naar een 'uitweg'-mogelijkheid via een plug-in:
betekent in alle gevallen huiswerk met uitprobeer-risico's.