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weather display under linux

Geplaatst: 08 nov 2022, 13:40
door nitsotech
Hello all.

I had a weather station (an alecto ws-5000_ at work.
It was connected to a Windows PC.
However, due to circumstances, I removed everything from there.
Now I can just connect everything back to the same PC at home.
however i also have a debian linux server which is always on
and i was thinking if it would not be more convenient to connect the weather station to it
but before i do this i would like to know a few things
so i would like to ask if there are people who can and want to answer a number of questions.
all information is welcome.
this because I have no experience with weather stations under linux yet.
the questions are as follows:
1: is weather display also possible under linux?
2: can one weather station work under linux?
3: can linux handle one x1 wire usb stick and lighting detector from hobybords?

the data of one server are:
Kernel and CPU Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae on i686
linux versee Debian Linux 7
ram 8 gb
hdd 3 tb
cp quadcore

regards: Nik